Planning Applications
Planning Applications on which Parish Council’s comments are sought
Application Ref: NE/22/00151/FUL Castle Manor Farm Warehouses (Sand And Gravel Quarry Land Pts OP4834 7882 And 8518 TL0178, Huntingdon Road, Thrapston)
Hybrid Planning Application: Full permission sought for the demolition of all existing buildings and structures and the re-alignment of an existing farm track; site infrastructure works, including groundworks, strategic landscaping and creation of development plateaus; and construction of a storage and distribution unit (Unit 01) (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices (Use Class E), including access, parking, servicing, landscaping and associated infrastructure. Outline permission sought for the construction of industrial distribution space (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices (Use Class E). All matters reserved except for site access.
Additional documents submitted by Developer Appellant, including Proposed Bus Route, Proposed SPA Mitigation Proposals, FPCR Ecology Note, I&L Market Assessment Addendum, North Northants Vacant Units Analysis, Competing Site Mapping, and Property Week Articles.
Parish Council to submit any comments by 13 February 2025.
A copy of the amended details are available on the NNC’s website:
Recent Applications
Application Ref: 24/02409/FUL
Winchester House, Toll Bar Lane, Keyston
Proposed replacement stable building and manege.
Application Ref: 24/01155/HHFUL
White Gates, Thrapston Road, Bythorn
Proposed single storey rear extensions and detached carport.
Proposed developments of concern near to Bythorn & Keyston
Wood Lodge Solar Farm
Land South Of Wood Lodge Farm, Huntingdon Road, Thrapston
Planning Application Ref: NE/23/00858/FUL
Update: Appeal submitted by Applicant.
Click here to read Bythorn & Keyston Parish Council’s comments in relation to the Application and Appeal, further to its letter sent in 2023 (linked below).
Application for the installation of a solar farm comprising ground mounted solar PV panels with a generating capacity of up to 49.99MW, including mounting system, battery storage units, inverters, underground cabling, stock proof fence, CCTV, internal tracks and associated infrastructure, landscaping, biodiversity net gain and environmental enhancements for a temporary period of 50 years.
Wood Lodge Farm is owned by a local farmer and is all arable farm land never previously developed. It is situated off The Leys between Titchmarsh and the A14.
Under current legislation, Solar Farms producing 50MW and above are defined as Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and go through a more rigorous and lengthy approval process. It is therefore common practise within the industry to keep the initial size of the project below 50MW. The Foxholes Farm project is 49.9MW. Once established, however, the farm can be expanded without the rigorous approval process. The plan above shows areas where the developers have already identified additional farmland for expanding the project.
Click here to read Bythorn & Keyston Parish Council’s original submission recommending refusal of the Application.
Further information is available on STAUNCH Campaign’s website here.
Castle Manor Farm Warehouses
Land East of Halden’s Parkway, Thrapston, Northamptonshire
Planning Application Ref: NE/22/00151/FUL
Proposed construction of industrial distribution space with ancillary offices
Click here to read the Bythorn & Keyston Parish Council’s submission recommending refusal of the Application.
Further information is available on the STAUNCH ('Save Titchmarsh and Upper Nene Countryside and Habitats') working party’s website here.
The Glebe Land
NE/22/00698/OUT - Storage and distribution centre - Thrapston Business Park, Glebe Land (Rectory Farm), adjacent to Haldens Parkway
Hybrid planning application comprising:
Full planning application for the construction of a storage and distribution unit (Development Plot 1) (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices (Use Class E); creation of a principal estate road (including bus stop) and new access from the A605; construction and emergency access; highways improvements to Huntingdon Road and A605 roundabout and at Junction 13 of the A14; strategic green infrastructure; vehicular and cycle parking; pedestrian infrastructure; hardstanding; circulation areas; lighting infrastructure and all other ancillary, enabling and associated works including landscaping, drainage, earthworks, sub-station and boundary treatment.
And outline planning application with all matters reserved for an employment park comprising Class B2, B8 and E uses with ancillary offices; creation of a new access from Oundle Road; vehicular and cycle parking; pedestrian infrastructure; hardstanding; circulation areas; lighting infrastructure and all other ancillary, enabling and associated works including landscaping, drainage, earthworks and boundary treatment.
Link to Parish Council’s letter with objections
Link to Applicant IM Properties’ website
Link to STAUNCH Holding Objection
Foxholes Farm Solar Farm
Planning Application Ref: NE/22/01411/FUL
In 2022 Elgin Energy Esco Ltd submitted a plan to create a 49.9 megawatt (MW) solar farm on 154 acres of land at Foxholes Farm situated a mile to the east of Titchmarsh.
Foxholes Farm is situated off part of the old Roman Road between Titchmarsh and Clopton. It is arable land never previously developed, owned by The Merchant Venturers and managed by a tenant farmer.
Under current legislation, solar farms producing 50MW and above are defined as Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and go through a more rigorous and lengthy approval process. It is therefore common practise within the industry to keep the initial size of the project below 50MW. The proposed project on Foxholes Farm is 49.9MW. Once established, however, the farm can be expanded without the rigorous approval process. The plan above shows areas where the developers have already identified additional farmland for expanding the project.
Further information is available on STAUNCH Campaign’s website here.